4.02 CIM Editor

The CIM Editor components are packed in five Eclipse plug-ins, each responsible for a part of the end editor functionality. Below is a list of this plug-ins with packages not completely generated by Eclipse GMF.

de.dfki.iwi.vide.cim – describes domain model and contains GMF models that facilitate the other plug-ins code generation

de.dfki.iwi.vide.cim.diagram – essentially diagram editor plug-in with the most functionality considering the diagram editing

de.dfki.iwi.vide.cim.edit – EMF plug-in containing item providers that mix in all the interfaces needed to support the standard viewers, commands, and the property sheet.

de.dfki.iwi.vide.cim.editor – EMF plug-in allowing for editing a diagram as a tree-structured model.

de.dfki.iwi.vide.cim.validation – validation framework for the diagram editor

After the installation, go to menu Help -> About Eclipse SDK and press button Plug-in Details. There all de.dfki.iwi.vide.cim plug-ins should be shown. In the package explorer you can now create new files with type Other -> VCLL diagram.