1.1 General tool description

The VIDE tool is intended to explore the potential of the Model Driven Architecture approach, and as such it supports a gradual refinement of models starting from the Business level (the Computation Independent Model) , through the Platform Independent Model, up to executable code generation for target platforms (see Figure 1)

Figure 1: VIDE modelling layers and functionality groups

The tool is supported by a number of VIDE tool modules and existing tool integrations that work in a common Eclipse-based environment and are aimed at assuring a seamless as possible transition through these model levels. Figure 2 depicts the roles of those components according to the model level they are intended to support. Components whose names are written in blue, are the tools of industrial partners integrated with VIDE. Those of them drawn with dashed line could not be made publically available and hence are not described in this document. In those case, only an outline of their functionality and the concept of VIDE usage within them is provided.

Figure 2: VIDE software components assignment to functional areas of the tool